94 datasets found

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  • Combined sewersheds in the City of Pittsburgh. Attribute field identifies sewersheds that were analyzed as part of PWSA's City Wide Green First Plan.
  • Identifies opportunity sites throughout the A41, O27, and M19 Sewersheds for stormwater infrastructure that could fulfill both stormwater management needs and support healthy communities and neighborhoods. For more information see Green First Plan website.
  • PWSA green infrastructure projects with current phase of development.
  • Note: This dataset will be used to post updated versions of capital budget deliberative forums into the future. Collected responses from surveys distributed at the City of Pittsburgh's Capital Budget Deliberative Forum Meetings. These surveys collected resident sentiment on what capital projects the City should...
  • Note: Updated data from capital budget deliberative forums occurring after 2019 will be posted at a new location on the WPRDC open data portal. Collected responses from surveys distributed at the City of Pittsburgh's Capital Budget Deliberative Forum Meetings. These surveys collected resident sentiment on what...
  • Smart Streetlight RFI Responses

    City of Pittsburgh

    Overview This guide to the City of Pittsburgh Smart Streetlight Request for Information (RFI) was created to provide clarity and transparency to the ongoing Smart Streetlight project in the City of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh has approximately 40,000 City-owned and operated streetlights, the vast majority of which are...
  • Displays information about Internet coverage in the City of Pittsburgh, as published by the Federal Communications Commission, by block (June 2016).
  • City of Pittsburgh Retaining Walls
  • Water fountains, spray fountains and other assets which provide water for public use.
  • Police Officer Training

    City of Pittsburgh

    This dataset shows the time spent by currently active Pittsburgh Police Officers in professional development training. Officers who are no longer employed in the Police Bureau are not included in this data. The data is presented in two ways: total, cumulative hours spent in training, per year, by category and total...
  • Police Civil Actions

    City of Pittsburgh

    Documentation of open police bureau litigation that took place between Jan 1 and Dec 31, 2015.
  • Police Community Outreach

    City of Pittsburgh

    Community outreach activities attended by Pittsburgh Police Officers, starting from January 1 2016. Includes Zone, Event Name, Location, Date and Time.
  • Zone and Lot Attributes

    Pittsburgh Parking Authority

    This dataset includes a table with space counts, number of meters, rates, and parking types for each zone, as sampled on particular dates. A second table includes lease counts by lot, also with the dates that the counts were made.
  • Sidewalk to Street "Walkability" Ratio

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    We’ve been asked to create measures of communities that are “walkable” for several projects. While there is no standard definition of what makes a community “walkable”, and the definition of “walkability” can differ from person to person, we thought an indicator that explores the total length of available sidewalks...
  • Regional Park-n-Ride Facilities

    Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission

    The Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission maintains an inventory of the region’s park-n-ride facilities that contains detailed information for each of the more than 100 park-n-ride facilities located in the 10-county SPC region. The inventory includes facility location, number of parking spaces, ownership...
  • Pittsburgh Regional Transit Bus Stop Usage

    Pittsburgh Regional Transit

    This dataset shows stop-level boardings and alightings for selected months from 2019 onwards. Typically ridership is highest in September. This dataset will update each month with the latest data. There is also a deprecated dataset showing all bus stops active in Pittsburgh Regional Transit's fiscal year 2019...
  • Pittsburgh Regional Transit makes schedule adjustments quarterly. These schedule adjustments are called "picks" and correspond with operators picking their assignments.
  • This dataset lists Pittsburgh Regional Transit scheduled bus and rail trip counts and distances since November 2016. For convenience, this data is published in several formats: - Daily Scheduled Trips: Aggregated total trip count and trip distances for each route per day. - Monthly Scheduled Trips: Aggregated total...
  • Pittsburgh Regional Transit Park and Rides

    Pittsburgh Regional Transit

    This dataset includes the GIS shapefile for Pittsburgh Regional Transit's Park and Ride facilities. This layer is updated annually or on an as-needed basis as assets change.
  • This dataset captures students attending a Pittsburgh Public School that are classified as either gifted or having some other type of Individualized Education Plan (IEP). According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, an IEP is ​"the written plan for the education of a student who has a disability or is...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).