Special Election for the 19th and 24th Legislative Districts https://data.wprdc.org/da_DK/datastore/odata3.0/9d730700-c4dc-4c34-9f4b-7990b536ca60 2022-04-29T11:01:26.766261Z https://data.wprdc.org/da_DK/datastore/odata3.0//9d730700-c4dc-4c34-9f4b-7990b536ca60(2) ckan 2022-04-29T11:01:26.766261Z ckan 2 2 Representative in the General Assembly District 19 (Vote For 1) Write-in NON 477 14.98 90783 8718 86 86 0 0 https://data.wprdc.org/da_DK/datastore/odata3.0//9d730700-c4dc-4c34-9f4b-7990b536ca60(3) ckan 2022-04-29T11:01:26.766261Z ckan 3 3 Representative in the General Assembly District 24 (Vote For 1) DEM Martell Covington DEM 5101 92.95 90783 8718 90 90 0 0 https://data.wprdc.org/da_DK/datastore/odata3.0//9d730700-c4dc-4c34-9f4b-7990b536ca60(4) ckan 2022-04-29T11:01:26.766261Z ckan 4 4 Representative in the General Assembly District 24 (Vote For 1) REP Todd Elliott Koger REP 313 5.7 90783 8718 90 90 0 0 https://data.wprdc.org/da_DK/datastore/odata3.0//9d730700-c4dc-4c34-9f4b-7990b536ca60(5) ckan 2022-04-29T11:01:26.766261Z ckan 5 5 Representative in the General Assembly District 24 (Vote For 1) Write-in NON 74 1.35 90783 8718 90 90 0 0