Poverty Status of Individuals in the Past 12 Months by Living Arrangements https://data.wprdc.org/cs_CZ/datastore/odata3.0/7996d143-c155-466e-8414-115f74997dd7 2017-08-29T17:15:10.072349Z https://data.wprdc.org/cs_CZ/datastore/odata3.0//7996d143-c155-466e-8414-115f74997dd7(2) ckan 2017-08-29T17:15:10.072349Z ckan 2 Allegheny West 2 331 104 45 26 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 45 26 0 10 0 10 0 10 45 26 286 102 199 101 186 99 179 94 7 11 13 19 13 19 13 19 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 87 40 79 36 66 34 13 13 8 11 https://data.wprdc.org/cs_CZ/datastore/odata3.0//7996d143-c155-466e-8414-115f74997dd7(3) ckan 2017-08-29T17:15:10.072349Z ckan 3 Allentown 3 2624.0 499.013025882 750.0 397.315995148 490.0 400.251171141 0.0 17.3205080757 0.0 17.3205080757 0.0 17.3205080757 490.0 400.251171141 0.0 17.3205080757 0.0 17.3205080757 0.0 17.3205080757 490.0 400.251171141 449.0 379.565541113 41.0 64.5677938295 260.0 120.158229015 171.0 72.5947656515 171.0 72.5947656515 0.0 17.3205080757 89.0 102.805641869 1874.0 360.256852814 1480.0 344.164204995 544.0 220.556115308 544.0 220.556115308 0.0 17.3205080757 936.0 357.38634557 71.0 66.8206554891 71.0 66.8206554891 0.0 17.3205080757 865.0 355.967695164 865.0 355.967695164 0.0 17.3205080757 394.0 136.638208419 328.0 105.87728746 274.0 98.2089608946 54.0 54.083269132 66.0 56.9649014745 https://data.wprdc.org/cs_CZ/datastore/odata3.0//7996d143-c155-466e-8414-115f74997dd7(4) ckan 2017-08-29T17:15:10.072349Z ckan 4 Arlington 4 1890.0 367.887210977 343.0 160.626896876 279.0 158.77657258 97.0 96.0468635615 83.0 97.0360757657 14.0 23.6854385646 182.0 126.692541217 113.0 113.181270535 103.0 101.365674664 10.0 20.6155281281 69.0 60.5557594288 22.0 35.902646142 47.0 37.2827037647 64.0 30.6757233004 43.0 25.3771550809 33.0 24.7588368063 10.0 15.779733838 21.0 19.6977156036 1547.0 319.771793628 1113.0 283.361959338 724.0 262.288009638 712.0 261.652441227 12.0 22.8910462845 389.0 164.073154416 17.0 25.3179778023 17.0 25.3179778023 0.0 17.3205080757 372.0 167.020956769 372.0 167.020956769 0.0 17.3205080757 434.0 172.56592943 230.0 71.6798437498 125.0 51.8555686499 105.0 49.6084670192 204.0 117.635028797 https://data.wprdc.org/cs_CZ/datastore/odata3.0//7996d143-c155-466e-8414-115f74997dd7(5) ckan 2017-08-29T17:15:10.072349Z ckan 5 Arlington Heights 5 380 196 278 198 257 196 0 10 0 10 0 10 257 196 0 10 0 10 0 10 257 196 257 196 0 10 21 18 21 18 21 18 0 10 0 10 102 75 55 79 0 10 0 10 0 10 55 79 0 10 0 10 0 10 55 79 49 79 6 9 47 38 47 38 47 38 0 10 0 10 https://data.wprdc.org/cs_CZ/datastore/odata3.0//7996d143-c155-466e-8414-115f74997dd7(6) ckan 2017-08-29T17:15:10.072349Z ckan 6 Banksville 6 3944.0 494.205422876 252.0 175.83515007 178.0 166.979040601 118.0 152.983659258 118.0 152.983659258 0.0 20.0 60.0 66.7083203206 0.0 20.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 20.0 60.0 66.7083203206 27.0 46.357307946 33.0 51.9711458407 74.0 57.183913822 33.0 39.3954312072 33.0 39.3954312072 0.0 20.0 41.0 44.1701256507 3692.0 453.208561261 2474.0 436.585615887 1954.0 391.537993048 1954.0 391.537993048 0.0 20.0 520.0 288.63991408 69.0 79.6743371482 69.0 79.6743371482 0.0 20.0 451.0 277.209307203 379.0 225.772008894 72.0 105.432442825 1218.0 260.618495122 1057.0 228.155648627 891.0 231.775753693 166.0 80.9506022214 161.0 90.4930936592