Roadmap for Inclusive Innovation Data 2018-08-21T16:28:26.415342Z ckan 2018-08-21T16:28:26.415342Z ckan 2 11 4. Enhance City Operations 4.2. Expand technology training and capacity Allow City crews and managers to view existing and completed work orders on mobile devices and communicate completed orders to residents and management through a Citywide application. Complete Complete On-Track On-Track Upcoming Upcoming Time reductions of service requests Quality information of requests The volume of work orders completed month to month 0 0 0 Upcoming On-track with programs like Qsend and Cartigraph. Qcsend is customer relations management tools that is used to manage service request in the city. Project goal: Make it easier to track requests. The application version of QScend, QAlert will be piloted by DPW employees to test whether the mobile version will improve the time and quality of service requests. By accessing the application version, employees can check their work online including when they are out in the field. Project participants: Division 1 DPW. 10 participants Timeline: 1 year Pilot distribution of mobile devices for city crews to view existing and completed work orders orders. Item sites/R4II/Lists/Roadmap_Data ckan 2018-08-21T16:28:26.415342Z ckan 3 12 4. Enhance City Operations 4.4. Institute smarter materials collection Build upon the Northside recycling pilot project and work to expand recycling pickup collection by providing solid waste collection bins. Complete Complete Complete On-Track On-Track Upcoming Total amount of recyclable materials from recycling bins 52% 77% 77% Northside Bin Initiative# The Northside Bin Initiative is a pilot project that distributed approximately 11,000 recycling bins to residents serviced by one recycling route in the Northside are of Pittsburgh. This pilot program was designed to test the impact of switching from a bagged system to provisioned bins. The intended outcomes of this program were to see if converting to bins would increase recycling participation rates of households and improve the quality of recycling material. The pilot program report shows, the city landfill costs from recycling efforts have been declining since 2013. This decrease might be due to an increase of more people recycling. As the city collects higher quality recycling materials it diverts trash to go to landfills, therefore, spends less on landfills costs (Northside Bin Recycling Pilot Program Report). What have we learned? The results from the pilot program increased the recycling participation rate by 21 percent in the area where the bins were deployed. According to the study, before the pilot the participation rate was 52 percent and after the bins were distributed it increased to 73 percent. Overall, after the pilot the total participation rate was 77 percent with a combination of both blue bags and bins. The participation rate 77% with a combination of bins and blue bags recycled. Though the pilot program proved to increase recycling by 25% the funding is not available to continue expansion of the program and there is uncertainy of the best usage of resources. New initiatives Create a plan from the Northside recycling pilot to expand recycling picking and collection. Item sites/R4II/Lists/Roadmap_Data ckan 2018-08-21T16:28:26.415342Z ckan 4 13 4. Enhance City Operations 4.1. Stream the procurement processes Create and implement a strategic technology plan that includes software and hardware, allowing for coordination across departments. This will assure that new technology solutions can be used Citywide. Complete Complete Upcoming Upcoming Upcoming Upcoming New technology plan created. Binary. 0 0 0 1 The City is working alongside consultants to implement a uniform strategy plan to purchase technology and find the most efficient tools and services that can work across all departments. This will introduce a technology plan that will also encompass security, asset management, and purchasing guidelines. This project is still upcoming Implement a strategic technology plan that includes software and hardware, allowing for coordination across departments. This will assure that new technology solutions can be used Citywide. Item sites/R4II/Lists/Roadmap_Data ckan 2018-08-21T16:28:26.415342Z ckan 5 14 4. Enhance City Operations 4.3. Revitalize the City’s public infrastructure Design and deploy Bus shelters and stops which are accessible, provide information, and are integrated within the context of the community’s needs. Complete Complete Complete Upcoming Upcoming Upcoming Number of Bus Shelters providing community resources 0 0 5 # Upcoming We have installed already 5 screens and we are actually looking for a day to come down at the city hall and install the screen there. We will install more screens as part of this project and actually the Carnegie Library at Oakland expressed interest to add a screen. We have also performed a survey from which we have some initial data from Pittsburgh commuters on what they are looking for. We are also waiting to hear back from a federal grant application (NSF) on funding about the project in order to move to the next step which is actually examining the various incentive mechanisms for pro-social behavior in transportation. Design and deploy Bus shelters and stops which are accessible, provide information, and are integrated within the context of the community’s needs. Item sites/R4II/Lists/Roadmap_Data ckan 2018-08-21T16:28:26.415342Z ckan 6 15 4. Enhance City Operations 4.1. Stream the procurement processes Develop a formal plan for vetting, purchasing and utilizing new and existing technologies with end user focus. This allows departments to easily identify and submit their requirements for new software and hardware purchases and agreements, and for the City Complete On-Track On-Track On-Track Upcoming On-Track New plan implemented. Binary. 0 0 0 1 Upcoming Laura's team will developing a team strategic plan that will address this action item. The plan will be launched in June. This action might have to reworded. Follow-up with Laura. Item sites/R4II/Lists/Roadmap_Data